Kfarms Horse Training


Hello and Welcome to About Me.

I have loved horses all my life. I had my first horse when I was 10yrs old, she was my world. She was an Appaloosa mare, 16yrs old when My parents bought her for me. I would ride her everyday after school until dinner time. Even when I couldn't ride her, I was in the pasture or barn doing something with her,grooming and talking mostly. Eventually the time came when I had to sell her. My highschool offered a Equine Science program at the local Votec, so I took the two year program and was awarded the Equine Science Certificate. I learned many things in those two years and realized that I had a natural gift with horses. I decided that I wanted to breed and train horses for a living.

    After my Highschool graduation I went into the Navy. I was stationed on the USS John F Kennedy CV-67 which was based in Mayport, FL. I enjoyed the 4 yrs I spent there and the many countries I visited while on the ship. It was a great experience and not only did it make me a stronger and wiser person,but also a more respectful one.

   I then persude my teenage dream and enrolled in Matrin Community College in Williamston,NC Magoring in Equine Technologies.There I rode, worked with and took care of over 20 horses. I trained Their 2 studs to Ride under saddle, and helped them kick their old nasty habbits. You can learn more about this on the Trained page.

  I eventually moved back home to Gloversville, NY. I found a job, obtained an Associates Degree in Applied Science Majoring in Business Administration. During this time I met the most wonderful man. Before long were wed, and having a baby. Soon we were able to afford a horse. I went to an action with a friend and we both purchased a horse. Mine was a pureblack Quarter Horse gelding. The day after his purchase I renamed him Chase.(after chasing him all over the pasture so I could groom and saddle him.) He was underweight and needed his hooves trimmed. After just 1 ride I realized why he was at the auction. He not only ran through my reins but the more I tried to slow him down the faster his stride became. The only thing that stopped him was a fence. There was no doubt in my mind that he abused and had been for a long time. With some time he learned to trust me and after a few short months we not only loved each others company but also enjoyed riding. (in the ring or on the trial) You can learn more about him on the Trained page.


Now my husband and I have two handsome boys (still in their toddler yrs). My husband owns and operates his own glass/construction business and I am just starting out my own horse training business.